A Truckers Must... in an Emergency (8/3/2017)
I came looking for this portable toilet for a friend, mine while well used is still tucked away in its original box and stored within a clean garbage bag in the bunk closet. I believe that a more secure way is if you put the ring around the top 1/4-1/3 of the bag, fold the bag over and down, then place the ring in the seat with the bottom of the bag and opening edges down giving two surfaces of the bag contact to two surfaces of the ring and adjust, then you also aren't sitting on the bag at all. A quick sanitary wipe around the seat before tying up the bag for disposal and storing away for the next Emergency. Lemon scented "kitchen catchers" seem a perfect replacement fit which when adjusted to perfection allows some ground support and depth for your "contribution" ... need it only once and you'll be wanting to spread the word as well - lol

Jim - Ontario Canada
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