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Perfect for clearing out rooms or behind bunkers in airsoft games!
Fires up to 168 airsoft BBs at once in a shotgun style blast!
Bright, gorgeous colours designed with non-toxic dyes and more advanced, cleaner smoke compositions
Designed to mimic the loud "bang" of a tactical "flash bang" grenade!
Hold your extra airsoft magazines so you can stay in the battle longer
Popular for gender reveals!
Smoke grenades will emit coloured smoke for at least 30 seconds
Keep your first aid kit on hand while playing airsoft or paintball
Fires up to 30 airsoft rounds at once!
Emits coloured smoke for up to 30 seconds.
Made with heavy-duty nylon fabric!
Dual pouches that can easily clip around your belt!
A single pouch that can easily clip around your belt!
Confuse your enemies with a loud bang!
Provides cover in woodland environments to mask your team's movement
Popular for baby gender reveals, airsoft, photography, film, and more!
Add extra storage space when your pockets are full!
Easy to use multiple magazine adapters that integrate with the SCAR rifle platform!